Download GnuCash 2.6.19 2018 Latest Version

Download GnuCash 2.6.19 2018 Latest Version . Review - Powerful program that causes you manage your records and individual records, finish trades, design errands and deliver reports and graphs.
Download GnuCash 2.6.19 2018 Latest Version
GnuCash 2.6.19

Download GnuCash 2.6.19 2018 Latest Version

GnuCash is a store application whose purpose behind existing is to empower you to screen your wage, costs, money related adjusts, stock portfolios and diverse business purposes of premium that set up together and kept created incite a predominant organization of your records and individual records.


The UI does not motivate in the visual office yet rather it is extremely sensible. You can work in a multi-chose condition and run the utility in the summon line mode moreover.

Acquiring and conveying decisions

You can incorporate your current fiscal data from Quicken, MS Money or distinctive undertakings that can exchange QIF or OFX archives, and likewise import/convey records and trades from/to CSV report outline.

Setting up another record

With respect to making a record, you can pick the money, pick trading accounts, insert experiences about your business, for instance, name of the association, address, contact singular, phone number, and email address, and furthermore incorporate information about counters, specifically number and arrangement for charges, customers, agents, occupations, solicitations, dealers and others.

There's assistance for different records that you can investigate, for instance, payable, receivable, asset, bank, cash, charge card, money, esteem, cost, pay, commitment, basic save or stock. Additionally, records can be changed or deleted.

Trade operations and arranging decisions

GnuCash gives you the chance to cut, copy, stick, delete or duplicate trades, and set the oblige status of a trade.

A smart part fused into the package enables you to set up arranged trades by entering the name, repeat, start and end date, and number of occasions. Additionally, you may print a couple of standard Quicken Checks or make a custom check plan.

Business features and other supportive contraptions

You may enroll customers, vendors and delegates by including data about the association name, address, phone number and other individual unobtrusive components, and make and track sales and bills.

Likewise, you can perform looks for in order to find trades or business related data, make a propel repayment booked trade, record stock parts, track/alter the estimation of a money, imparted hold and stocks to the guide of the Price Editor, and learn amassing stores.

Make reports

To wrap things up, the application puts accessible to you a course of action of broad reports and diagrams. You can create general reports which fuse information about records, charges and trades, make assets and liabilities reports, and likewise extraordinary reports related to pay and cost, and business data. The reports and diagrams can be printed or conveyed to HTML record plan.


GnuCash passes on an impeccable and proficient plan of your business data yet you ought to consider that it eats up CPU and memory, so the execution of your structure may be hampered.

A general gainful and strong reserve and business utility

With everything considered, GnuCash gives a rich suite of features for managing your records and individual assets. In case you have to maintain a strategic distance from the foundation method, you can take a gander at the minimized type of the application.

Download GnuCash 2.6.19 2018 Latest Version

OS : Windows (All Versions)
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